General Information for IPR Multi Tasking Staff
1. Job Description : The selected candidate will be required to support routine activities in sections viz. Administration, Accounts, Purchase & Stores, Library, Safety, Civil Maintenance etc. The job requires working knowledge in computer (MS word, MS Excel, etc.) and ability to do routine correspondence in Hindi/ English.
2. Period : The above posts are purely temporary for a period of Two (02) years and may be extended for One (01) year or a part thereof depending on the institute’s work requirement and the performance of the candidate.
3. Remuneration : Rs. 18,000/- plus HRA per month.
4. Selection Process : The online applications, received in response to the advertisement, shall be scrutinized (computer based) on the basis of all criteria like age, educational qualification, category certificate, fee receipt etc. and only the valid applications shall be considered for further processing. Selection would be solely based on the merit of marks obtained in the written examination conducted by the Institute for the post.