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FCI Manager/ Management Trainee Phase II Exam Admit Card 2022

Food Corporation of India (FCI) has released online admit card for recruitment post of Manager / Management Trainee (MT) in its Depots and Offices spread all over the Country.

Interested candidates read the full notification carefully, before applying online.

News:- FCI Manager / Management Trainee recruitment 2022 Call Letter (Phase-I) has been issued.

News Date:- 01 December 2022


Food Corporation of India

Important Dates

  • Application Start Date: 27-08-2022
  • Application Last Date: 26-09-2022
  • Call letter Date: 01 Dec 2022

Application Fee

  • SC/ ST/ PwBD and Women: Rs.0/-
  • All Others: Rs.800/-
  • Pay fee by using Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets, UPI.

Age Limitation

  • Age As On : 01.08.2022
  • Manager (Hindi): 35 Years
  • All Others: 28 Years
  • (For Age Relaxation See Notification.)

Total Post


Eligibility Criteria For Manager

Manager (General):

Graduate degree or equivalent from recognized University with minimum 60% marks; OR CA/ ICWA/ CS.

Note: In case of SC/ ST/ PwBD candidates, the minimum percentage of marks shall be 55% instead of 60%. In case of SC/ ST/ PwBD candidates, the minimum percentage of marks shall be 55% instead of 60%.

Manager (Depot):

Graduate degree or equivalent from recognized University with minimum 60% marks; OR CA/ ICWA/ CS.

Note: In case of SC/ST/PwBD candidates, the minimum percentage of marks shall be 55% instead of 60%.

Manager (Movement):

Graduate degree or equivalent from recognized University with minimum 60% marks; OR CA/ ICWA/ CS.

Note: In case of SC/ ST/ PwBD candidates, the minimum percentage of marks shall be 55% instead of 60%.

Manager (Accounts):

  1. Associate Membership of
    1. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India; or
    2. The Institute of Cost Accountants of India; or
    3. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India


  2. B.Com from a recognized University AND
    1. Post Graduate Full-time MBA (Fin) Degree / Diploma of minimum 2 years recognized by UGC/ AICTE; or
    2. Post Graduate Part-time MBA (Fin) Degree / Diploma (not in the nature of distance education) of minimum 3 years duration recognized by UGC/AICTE; or
    3. Post Graduate MBA (Fin) Degree/Diploma by distance education mode recognized by UGC-AICTE- DEC Joint Committee.

Manager (Technical):

B.Sc. in Agriculture from a recognized University. OR

B.Tech degree or B.E degree in Food Science from a recognized University/ an institution approved by the AICTE; OR

B.Tech degree or B.E degree in Food Science & Technology or Food Technology or Food Processing Technology or Food Process Engineering or Food Processing or Food Preservation Technology from a recognized University/ an institution approved by the AICTE. OR

B.Tech. degree or BE degree in Agricultural Engineering from a recognized University/an institution approved by the AICTE. OR

B.Tech degree or B.E degree in Bio-Technology or Industrial BioTechnology or Bio-Chemical Engineering or Agricultural Bio-Technology from a recognized University/ an institution approved by the AICTE;

Manager (Civil Engineering)

Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent.

Manager (Electrical Mechanical Engineering):

Degree in Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering from a Recognized University or equivalent.

Manager (Hindi):

  1. Master’s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi with English as a subject at the Degree level. OR

    Master’s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in English with Hindi as a subject at the degree level. OR

    Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi and English as a subject at the degree level. OR

    Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject with English medium and Hindi as a subject at the degree level. OR

    Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi medium and English as a subject at the degree level. AND

  2. 5 years experience of terminological work in Hindi and/or translation work from English to Hindi or vice-versa preferably of technical or scientific literature. or

    Five years experience of teaching/research writing or journalism in Hindi

Manager / Management Trainee Zone Wise Vacancy Details

Post Name North Zone South Zone West Zone East Zone North East Zone
Manager (General) 1 05 03 01 09
Manager (Depot) 04 02 06 02 01
Manager (Movement) 05 01
Manager (Accounts) 14 02 05 10 04
Manager (Technical) 09 04 06 07 02
Manager (Civil Engineering) 03 02 01
Manager (Electrical Mechanical Engineering) 01
Manager (Hindi) 01 01 01
Total 38 16 20 21 18

Top Sarkari Jobs

Food Corporation of India (FCI), one of the largest Public Sector Undertakings ensuring the food security of the Nation, invites online applications for the under mentioned posts in its Depots and Offices spread all over the Country.

For the post of Manager (General/ Depot/ Movement/ Accounts/ Technical/ Civil Engineering/ Electrical Mechanical Engineering), Management Trainees will be considered for absorption as Managers in the IDA Pay scale of Rs. 40000 – 140000 upon successful completion of training period of six months. However, there will be no training in case of Manager (Hindi) and they will be directly appointed as Manager in the IDA Pay scale of Rs. 40000 – 140000.

FCI Manager Recruitment Summary

Recruitment Agency Food Corporation of India
Post Name Manager/ Management Trainee
Advertisement No. 02 /2022-FCI Category-II
Application Start Date 27 August 2022
Application Last Date 26 September 2022
Total Post 113
Salary Rs. 40,000 – 1,40,000/-
Download Notification Manager Notification
Apply Online For Manager

Selection Process of FCI Manager

Manager (General /Depot /Movement /Accounts /Technical /Civil Engineering/Electrical Mechanical Engineering):- The selection process will be consisting of Online Test, Interview and Training.

Manager (Hindi):- The selection process will be consisting of Online Test and Interview.

FCI Manager Syllabus and Exam Schemes

Online Test

The online test will comprise of Phase-I and Phase-II exams.

i) The online test of Phase-I shall be common irrespective of the post. The test structure for Phase I Online test is as follow:-

Test Name No. of Qs. Max. Marks Duration (Minutes) Exam Medium
English Language 25 25 15 English
Reasoning Ability 25 25 15 Bilingual (English & Hindi)
Numerical Aptitude 25 25 15 Bilingual (English & Hindi)

General Studies* comprising of Indian History, Indian Economy, Geography & General Science up to Class 8 th level -20 questions

Current Affairs -5 questions

25 25 15 Bilingual (English & Hindi)
100 100 60 Minutes

*The nature of questions will be such that they do not require specialized study of any discipline.

NOTE: - In the Phase-I of online test, the test will be Objective type (Multiple Choice Questions). Each question will carry equal 1 (one) mark. For each wrong answer, there will be negative marking of one-fourth (1/4) of the mark assigned to that question. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will be no negative marking for that question. The marks obtained in Phase-I will NOT be reckoned in final merit ranking.

Phase-II online test syllabus and examination schemes, you can see in official notification from page number 10.

Training And Pay Scale or Salary For Manager Vacancy

Training as a Management Trainee is a part of the recruitment process which carries a weightage of 10%. Candidates selected as Management Trainees (General/ Depot/ Movement/ Accounts/ Technical/ Civil Engineering/ Electrical Mechanical Engineering) will undergo six months training. Only consolidated stipend will be paid to them at the rate of Rs. 40000/- (Forty thousand only) per month during the training period. On completion of six months training successfully, they will be considered for absorption in the Corporation as Managers in the IDA Pay scale of Rs. 40,000 – 140000/-

How To Download FCI Manager Admit Card or Call Letter

Candidates will have to visit the FCI website ( for downloading call letters for online test. Intimation for downloading call letter will also be sent through email/SMS. Once the candidate clicks the relevant link, he/she can access the window for call letter download. The candidate is required to use (i) Registration Number/Roll Number, (ii) Password/Date of Birth for downloading the call letter.

The Call letter for the ONLINE Test indicating the time and venue of examination for each candidate can be downloaded from approximately 10 days prior to the date of examination onwards. Candidates, who are not able to generate their Call letter online, should register their grievance at at least one week before the date of the examination.

Application Registration Process For Manager Post

  1. Candidates to go to the FCI website click on the option "APPLY ONLINE" which will open a new screen.
  2. To register application, choose the tab "Click here for New Registration" and enter Name, Contact details and Email-id. A Provisional Registration Number and Password will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen.
  3. In case the candidate is unable to complete the application form in one go, he / she can save the data already entered by choosing "SAVE AND NEXT" tab. Prior to submission of the online application candidates are advised to use the "SAVE AND NEXT" facility to verify the details in the online application form and modify the same if required.
  4. Candidates are advised to carefully fill and verify the details filled in the online application themselves as no change will be possible/ entertained after clicking the COMPLETE REGISTRATION BUTTON.
  5. The Name of the candidate or his /her Father/ Husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the Certificates/ Mark sheets/Identity proof.
  6. Validate your details and Save your application by clicking the 'Validate your details' and 'Save & Next' button.
  7. Candidates can proceed to upload Photo & Signature
  8. Candidates can proceed to fill other details of the Application Form.
  9. Click on the Preview Tab to preview and verify the entire application form before COMPLETE REGISTRATION.
  10. Click on 'Payment' Tab and proceed for payment.
  11. Click on 'Submit' button.

FAQs : FCI Manager Recruitment

  • Q.1. What is FCI?
  • Ans:- Food Corporation of India (FCI), one of the largest Public Sector Undertakings ensuring the food security of the Nation.
  • Q.2. When will FCI Manager phase i exam admit card come?
  • Ans:- FCI Manager / Management Trainee recruitment 2022 admit card (Phase-I) has been issued on 01 Dec 2022.
  • Q.3. Is there any application fee for FCI Manager recruitment?
  • Ans:- Yes, for all Rs.800/- except SC/ ST/ PwBD and Women.
  • Q.4. Who can apply for Manager post recruitment?
  • Ans:- Graduate degree or equivalent.
  • Q.5. How much will be salary for FCI Manager post?
  • Ans:- Scale of Pay (IDA Pattern) in Rs. 40,000-1,40,000 for FCI Manager recruitment.
  • Q.6. What is helpline number of FCI Manager recruitment?
  • Ans:- Phone: 011-43527462.
FCI Manager Recruitment
FCI Manager Recruitment