Central Bank ZBO Eligibility Criteria 2025
Educational Qualifications:- Graduation in any discipline or any equivalent qualification recognised as such by the Central Government including Integrated Dual Degree (IDD). Candidates possessing qualifications such as Medical, Engineering, Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant would also be eligible.
Experience:- Candidates working/ worked in Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs)/ Scheduled Cooperative Banks (Urban & State)/ *Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) having minimum assets size of at least Rs.500.00 crores operating in India.
In Officer/ Supervisory cadre : 1 years
In Clerical Cadre : 3 years
- *Candidates having experience in NBFC only in officer/ Supervisory cadre are eligible. Clerical experience of NBFC will not be considered.
- (Candidates from Insurance sector/ Co-operative Societies/ Govt. Financial institutions either regular or part time are not eligible).
- All applicants/ candidates should have a clean track record & should not have been terminated from Bank/ FI on account of any disciplinary action nor should have been inflicted with any major punishment during their tenure of service.