BSEB STET 2024 Syllabus
Syllabus: For the subjects covered under Paper-I (Secondary) the graduate level course in the state universities and for the subjects covered under Paper-II (Senior Secondary) the graduate (reputation) level course in the state universities.
Question Pattern: In the questions asked in the Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test, 100 marks will be from the specified subject matter and 50 marks will be based on teaching skills, other competencies:
- Specified subject matter - 100
- Pedagogy and other skills - 50
Duration of Entrance Exam: The duration of Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test (STET), 2024, conducted by Computer Based Test (CBT) method, will be of 150 minutes (2:30 hours).
- The questions in the eligibility test will be multiple choice.
- Each question will be of 1 mark.
- There will be no negative marking.