SAMS Odisha +2 Admission Notification 2024
Online applications are invited through SAMS for admission into Class-XI of Arts, Science, Commerce, Upashastri and Vocational streams in all Higher Secondary Schools (HSSs) of the State affiliated to CHSE (O) along with Vocational courses in 93 Higher Secondary Schools. Before apply online must read the admission notification carefully to proceed further, you download notification through given link as below:
What is SAMS?
Student Academic Management System, i.e. SAMS, is a single window online platform used to manage the admission, administration, registration, form fill-up etc. activities of the Higher Secondary Schools of the State. This online system facilitates the students to take admission into various streams of Class XI i.e. Arts, Commerce, Science, Vocational and Sanskrit. At present, SAMS covers admission for various other departments, other than Higher Secondary Schools under Schools & Mass Education Department: Degree, ITI, Diploma, Teacher Education, Physical Education, and Music.
Selection Process of Class 11th Admission
Admission into various Streams of Higher Secondary Schools shall be done strictly on merit basis.
Marks secured at the 10th Board Examination out of the Total Marks, Weightage & Reservation (if applicable) will be taken into consideration while preparing the merit list. For Reservation & Weightage please refer items 10.4 & 10.5 of the CP.
Odisha Class 11th Admission Application Process
The application for admission into Class XI is invited online through “Common Application Form (CAF)”. The CAF will be available in or for
The Common Prospectus (CP) is available online in SAMS portal in downloadable/printable PDF format. An applicant must read the CP carefully before online submission of CAF.
SAMS Odisha 11th Slide up admission 2024
If a candidate who has taken admission on basis of 1st round of selection gets selected for her/his higher choices in subsequent Selection (slide up), two situations may arise:
- Applicant’s Destination Higher Secondary School in 2nd Selection is different from the 1st selection Higher Secondary School.
- The stream may changed at the same destination Higher Secondary School.
For situation (a) The applicant shall take admission at the next selection Destination Higher Secondary School on payment of the entire admission fees of this Higher Secondary School and surrendering the SLC/CLC from the intimation letter.
For situation (b) For change of Stream in the 2nd selection (due to up-gradation/ slide up), there would be no need for the applicant to approach the Higher Secondary School for any endorsement. This would be done at the Higher Secondary School level subsequently.
SAMS Odisha +2 Spot Admission 2024
Admission will be completed in three steps: i.e. First Selection, Second Selection & Spot Admission for the applicants who have applied online. After second selection, the seats will be de-reserved for the spot admission.
Spot admission list will be published ten times of the balance seats after the second selection admission.
How To Apply Online for Higher Secondary School (HSS) 2024
Applicants are requested to follow steps mentioned below to apply online:
- Go to SAMS website
- Click on the Higher Secondary School (+2) link under School & Mass Education banner
- Click on "New Student Registration" button
- Enter Name of the Student, Mobile Number & Email ID (optional) in the box provided
- Click on the "Generate OTP" button
- A six-digit OTP, which will be valid for 5 minutes, will be sent to the mobile number provided
- Applicant is required to enter the OTP number in the box showing in the computer screen
- Applicant is required to give own password & reconfirm the same in the box showing in the computer screen
- Password must have at least one Upper Case (Capital letter), one Lower Case (Small letter), one Digit & a Special Character (@, $, %, etc...) in it, e.g. Abcd@7618
- Then login to the SAMS Application using the user-name (registered mobile number) & password given during online registration.
- Once inside, click on the ‘Application Form’ link in the left menu, to access the online Common Application Form (CAF).
- Fill the detailed Common Application Form
- After filling CAF, pay the requisite application fee.
- Finally take print out of Common Application Form (CAF) for future reference.