UPSSSC PET Notification 2023 PDF
Online applications are invited from eligible male and female candidates for Preliminary Eligibility Test (PET) 2023 for selection of various post in various department. All interested candidates can download recruitment notification in PDF through given link as below, before apply online must read the notification carefully to avoid any kind of confusion.
After the two-tier examination system becomes effective, it is mandatory for all the candidates desirous of selection to different types of vacant posts under the control of various departments coming under the purview of the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission, to participate in the Preliminary Eligibility Test (PET).
UPSSSC PET 2023 Written Exam Special Notice
If the number of applications received for the Preliminary Qualifying Examination-2023 is excessive and it is not convenient for the Commission to conduct the written examination of all the candidates in a single shift/day, then the said written examination may be conducted in more than one shift/day. May go. If the examination is conducted in more than one shift day, the process of normalization of scores of the candidates will be applicable. In relation to the said process of normalization of scores, the candidates have already been informed by the Commission's notification number- 42/ 05/ Vig. Anu. (Eleven)/ 2019, dated May 22, 2019. The decision of the commission in this regard will be final.
UPSSSC PET 2023 Score Validity Period
The score of the candidates who appeared in the preliminary qualifying examination will be valid for 01 year from the date of uploading the result on the website of the Commission.
UPSSSC PET Post Details 2023
In Section-2 of the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission Act-2014, it has been mentioned as follows- "Provisions of this Act in relation to all such direct recruitment posts of Group 'B' to Group 'C', under which Secretariat posts, and shall also apply to all Group 'C' posts in any Board or Corporation or any other statutory body established or controlled by the State Government. Provided that the State Government may, by notification, add or remove any post from the purview of the Commission."
UPSSSC PET Pay Scale 2023
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section-2 of the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission Act, 2014 (Act No. 20 of 2014), Pay Band-1 (Rs. 5200- 20200) Grade Pay Rs. 1900/- and above but All the direct recruitment posts of Pay Band-2 (Rs. 9300-34800) Grade Pay less than Rs. 4600/- have been specified in the purview of the Subordinate Services Selection Commission.
UPSSSC PET Syllabus 2023
- Number of Question: 100
- Examination Duration: 02 Hour
- Total Marks: 100
Subject |
Marks |
1. Indian History |
05 |
2. Indian National Movement |
05 |
3. Geography |
05 |
4. Indian Economy |
05 |
5. Indian Constitution & Public Administration |
05 |
6. General Science |
05 |
7. Elementary Arithmetic |
05 |
8. General Hindi |
05 |
9. General English |
05 |
10. Logic & Reasoning |
05 |
11. Current Affairs |
10 |
12. General Awareness |
10 |
13. Interpretation and analysis of unread Hindi passage-02 passage |
10 |
14. Interpretation and analysis of graphs-02 graphs (05 questions each): |
10 |
15. Interpretation and Analysis of Tables-02 Tables |
10 |
- The difficulty level of the questions related to the academic subjects marked at serial number-01 to 09 will be of the secondary/senior secondary level prescribed by the National Council of Educational and Research (NCERT).
- The type of examination will be objective in nature and the question paper will be based on multiple choice questions.
- There will be a deduction of ¼th mark for each wrong answer.
Download UPSSSC PET Syllabus 2023
How To Apply Online For UPSSSC PET 2023
Candidates are informed that for the Preliminary Eligibility Test (PET)-2023 online applications will have to be made on the Commission's website and no application will be accepted offline.
The process of filling the application form is divided into the following five parts-
- Candidate Registration
- Photo and Signature Upload
- Filling Remaining Part of Form
- Fee Payment and Reconciliation & Application Form Submission
- Print Application Form
UPSSSC PET 2023 Print Application Form
Candidates are directed that after the final submission of their application form, they must obtain the print out of the online application form by clicking on the Print Detailed Application Form button under Know Your Status in the Applicant Segment. Candidates will have to produce a copy of this form at the time of scrutiny/examination of records.
If the prescribed fee has been paid by the candidate and the candidate is not able to take out the printout of his application, then the candidate can go to the homepage of the Commission's website and click on the link “Update Your Transaction ID by Double Verification” given under the Applicant Segment. You can get the printout of the application form by adjusting your fee before the last date of fee adjustment.